
Titlesort ascending Author Year Publication type
Choosing a Future in the Platform Economy: The Implications and Consequences of Digital Platforms Martin Kenney; John Zysman 2015 Working Paper
China's Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap Arie Y. Lewin; Martin Kenney; Johann Peter Murmann 2016 Book
China’s 13th 5-Year Plan: Implications for the Automobile Industry Crystal Chang 2016 Presentation
Certification, Clusters, and Creativity: An Analysis of Etsy as a Platform Firm Kara Hawkins 2016 Working Paper
Can Green Sustain Growth?: From the Religion to the Reality of Sustainable Prosperity John Zysman; Mark Huberty 2013 Book
Beyond the Hype: Platforms and AI in the Era of Intelligent Tools and Systems John Zysman 2018 Presentation
Beyond Hype and Despair: Developing Healthy Communities in the Era of Intelligent Tools John Zysman; Martin Kenney; Laura Tyson 2019 Journal Article
Beyond Cloud: Implications for the Industrialization of IT and the 3rd Era of Computing Jonathan Murray 2015 Presentation
Awaiting the Second Big Data Revolution: From Digital Noise to Value Creation Mark Huberty 2015 Journal Article
Automation and the Future of Work in Germany: A Summary of Research and Policy Recommendations Laura Tyson 2022 Working Paper
Artificial Intelligence and Robots: Thoughts, Reflection on Policy Inaction in Israel and Some Nasty General Predictions Dan Breznitz 2016 Presentation
American Industry in International Competition: Government Policies and Corporate Strategies Laura Tyson; John Zysman 1983 Book
America’s Vital Chip Mission Laura Tyson; John Zysman 2021 Journal Article
Algorithms, Platforms, and Ethnic Bias: An Integrative Essay Silva Selena; Martin Kenney 2018 Working Paper
Algorithms, Platforms, and Ethnic Bias: A Diagnostic Model Selena Silva; Martin Kenney 2019 Journal Article
Algorithms, Data, and Platforms: The Diverse Challenges of Governing AI Mark J. Nitzberg; John Zysman 2021 Working Paper
AI and Domain Knowledge: Implications of the Limits of Statistical Inference Christopher Eldred 2019 Working Paper
A Platform Firm Flexport: Benefitting from its cluster and the globalization of production Kelsey Hutcherson 2016 Working Paper
5G: Revolution or Hype? Christopher Eldred; Martin Kenney; Kenji Kushida; Jonathan Murray; John Zysman 2019 Working Paper