The Rise of the Platform Economy

The Rise of the Platform Economy

Martin Kenney and John Zysman’s 2016 piece in Issues in Science and Technology is one part of a broader research agenda at BRIE on the Platform Economy. All the following materials are available online. Some of the pieces can also be found in books such as The Third Globalization.


Alonso, Emily. “MyFitnessPal: How This Winner-Took-All by Helping People Lose” BRIE Working Paper 2015-1. (2015)

Collier, Ruth. “The High-Tech Economy, Work, and Democracy 2.0: A Research Agenda” IRLE Working Paper No. 114-15. (2015).

Isaac, Emily. “Innovative Clusters & New Work: A case study of TaskRabbit” BRIE Working Paper 2015-2. (2015).

Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade Special Issue: “Digital Disruption and its Social Impacts” (2015).

Kenney, Martin and John Zysman. “Choosing a Future in the Platform Economy: The Implications and Consequences of Digital Platforms” Discussion Paper. Prepared for the New Entrepreneurial Growth Conference, Kauffman Foundation (June 2015).

Kenney, Martin. “Value in the Era of the Platform Economy” Presentation. (May 2015).

Murray, Jonathan. “Beyond Cloud: Implications for the Industrialization of IT and the 3rd Era of Computing” Presentation. (May 2015).

Zysman, John. “Work in the Digital Era: Choosing a Future” Presentation. Prepared for the Future of Work, Open Society Foundation. (April 2015).


Huberty, Mark. “Awaiting the Second Big Data Revolution” BRIE Working Paper 2014-3. (2014).

Isaac, Emily. “Disruptive Innovation: Risk-Shifting and Precarity in the Age of Uber” BRIE Working Paper 2014-7. (2014).

Kushida, Kenji E., Jonathan Murray, and John Zysman. “Cloud Computing: From Scarcity to Abundance” BRIE Working Paper 2014-2. (2014).

Kushida, Kenji E., Jonathan Murray, Patrick Scaglia, and John Zysman. “The Next Epoch in Cloud Computing: Implications for Integrated Research and Innovation Strategy.” BRIE Working Paper 2014-5. (2014)

Zysman, John. “Escape from the Commodity Trap: Will the Production Transformation Sustain Productivity, Growth and Jobs?” BRIE Working Paper 2014-4. Written for the European Commission. (2014).

Zysman, John and Martin Kenney. “Where Will Work Come from in the Era of the Cloud and Big Data?” BRIE Working Paper 2014-6. (2014).


Nielsen, Niels Christian, Jonathan Murray, and John Zysman. The Services Dilemma: Productivity Sinkhole or Commoditization? Book Manuscript. (2013).


Seppälä, Timo and Martin Kenney. “Building on Complementary Assets in a Unified TCP/IP World” BRIE Working Paper 204. (2012).

Zysman, John and Dan Bresnitz. “Escaping the Commodity Trap: Competing in the 21st Century” BRIE Working Paper 203. (2012).


Murray, Jonathan and John Zysman. “TPN Transatlantic Week. Cloud Computing: Policy Challenges for a Globally Integrated Innovation, Production and Market Platform” BRIE Working Paper 201. (2011).


Zysman, John, Stuart Feldman, Jonathan Murray, Niels Christian Nielsen, and Kenji E. Kushida. “Services with Everything: The Digital Transformation of Services From Economic Sinkhole to Productivity Driver.” BRIE Working Paper 187a. (2010).