Platforms, Work, Cheshire Cats, and Dependent Entrepreneurs: Recent Publications

April 16, 2019

"(W)e must proceed in a way that allows citizens, in their multiple roles as workers and consumers, to participate in shaping the future, not just allowing it to happen to them. It is not a matter of robots coming, but rather one of how to direct the evolution of platforms and the development and deployment of intelligent tools and systems."

Cite: Martin Kenney and John Zysman, Intereconomics

This collection of literature on the future of work by BRIE faculty and affiliates, now available online, contributes to the current debate on the impact of intelligent tools and systems on work and the structure of the economy, as well as the adjustment costs for workers. Through these papers, BRIE brings a forward looking perspective to pervasive economic and societal concerns that will continue to intensify over time.