The rise of digital platforms leads to a number of challenges: Will the rapid introduction of intelligent tools and systems1 provide real and rising incomes with reasonable levels of equality and growth built on sustained productivity generated by the new technology and strategies? Or will it provoke a world of increasing unemployment and inequality? Will platforms, one of the critical tools/systems shaping this phase of the digital transformation, deeply disrupt the processes of value creation and capture? Are we doomed, or can we create a new era of growth and abundance? This paper intends to provide an overview of the issues as seen from the West Coast of the United States, but with a viewpoint informed by our years of working in Europe and Asia.
Publication date:
March 1, 2017
Publication type:
Journal Article
Zysman, J., & Kenney, M. (2017). Intelligent Tools and Digital Platforms: Implications for Work and Employment. Intereconomics, 52(6), 329–334.