The ongoing Asian financial crisis has graphically demonstrated the shared Western stake in the Asian economy as the United States and Europe face falling exports to Asia and rising imports from the region. Partners or Competitors? provides the first blueprint for transatlantic teamwork in the Pacific at this critical juncture. The authors provide cogent analyses of a range of important cases, from electronic commerce to autos, from anti-trust policy to the protection of intellectual property. Tracing the history of self-defeating competition in the region, they explore both the opportunities and limitations of collaboration in today's rapidly evolving international trade environment.
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Publication date:
January 1, 1998
Publication type:
Steinberg, R. H., Stokes, B., Bar, F., Borrus, M. G., Callan, B., Cohen, S. S., Howell, T. R., Murase, E. M., Ruigrok, W., Salzman, J., Tulder, R. V., & Wolff, A. W. (1999). Partners or Competitors?: The Prospects for U.S.-European Cooperation on Asian Trade. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.