BRIE Research and Publications: Extended List

Title Author Year Publication type
Locating Global Advantage: Industry Dynamics in the International Economy Martin Kenney; Richard Florida 2003 Book
Politics and Productivity: The Real Story of Why Japan Works Chalmers A. Johnson; Laura Tyson; John Zysman 1989 Book
Concrete Economics: The Hamilton Approach to Economic Growth and Policy Stephen Cohen; Brad DeLong 2016 Book
Tracking a Transformation: E-Commerce and the Terms of Competition in Industries Stephen S. Cohen; John Zysman; Peter Cowhey 2001 Book
The Dynamics of Trade and Employment Laura Tyson; William T. Dickens; John Zysman 1988 Book
China's Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap Arie Y. Lewin; Martin Kenney; Johann Peter Murmann 2016 Book
Understanding Silicon Valley: Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial Region Martin Kenney 2000 Book
Competing for Control: America’s Stake in Microelectronic Michael G. Borrus 1998 Book
Corporate Governance and Globalization: Long Range Planning Issues Stephen S. Cohen; Gavin Boyd 2000 Book
Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy Stephen S. Cohen; John Zysman 1988 Book
International Production Networks in Asia: Rivalry or Riches? Michael Borrus; Dieter Ernst; Stephan Haggard 2000 Book
American Industry in International Competition: Government Policies and Corporate Strategies Laura Tyson; John Zysman 1983 Book
Public Universities and Regional Growth: Insights from the University of California Martin Kenney; David C. Mowery 2014 Book
Enlarging Europe: The Industrial Foundations of a New Political Reality John Zysman; Andrew Schwartz 1998 Book
Government, Markets, and Growth: Financial Systems and the Politics of Industrial Change John Zysman 1983 Book