BRIE Research and Publications: Extended List

Title Author Year Publication typesort descending
The Rise of the Platform Economy Martin Kenney; John Zysman 2016 Journal Article
Slicing Up Global Value Chains: A Micro View Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö; Petri Rouvinen 2015 Journal Article
Responding to uncertainty: syndication partner choice by foreign venture capital firms in China Xiao Huang; Martin Kenney; Donald Patton 2015 Journal Article
Intelligent Tools and Digital Platforms: Implications for Work and Employment John Zysman; Martin Kenney 2017 Journal Article
The Application of Artificial Intelligence at Chinese Digital Platform Giants: Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent Kai Jia; Martin Kenney; Juri Mattila; Timo Seppala 2018 Journal Article
The Future of Work in Germany Laura Tyson 2019 Journal Article
The Next Phase in the Digital Revolution: Intelligent Tools, Platforms, Growth, Employment John Zysman; Martin Kenney 2018 Journal Article
The hype has eclipsed the limitations of third-wave artificial intelligence Mark J. Nitzberg; Timo Seppala; John Zysman 2019 Journal Article
Regional Identity Can Add Value to Agricultural Products Bradley C. Christensen; Martin Kenney; Donald Patton 2015 Journal Article
Competing on Platforms Donato Cutolo; Andrew Hargadon; Martin Kenney 2021 Journal Article
On Open Innovation, Platforms, and Entrepreneurship Satish Nambisan; Donald Siegel; Martin Kenney 2018 Journal Article
Global Competitors? Mapping the Internationalization Strategies of Chinese Digital Platform Firms Kai Jia; Martin Kenney; John Zysman 2018 Journal Article
Governing AI: Understanding the Limits, Possibilities, and Risks of AI in an Era of Intelligent Tools and Systems John Zysman; Mark J. Nitzberg 2020 Journal Article
University technology transfer in China: A Literature Review and Taxonomy Aihua Chen; Donald Patton; Martin Kenney 2016 Journal Article
Platform Power and Regulatory Politics: Polanyi for the Twenty-First Century John W. Cioffi; Martin Kenney; John Zysman 2022 Journal Article