BRIE Research and Publications: Extended List

Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
The Dynamics of Trade and Employment Laura Tyson; William T. Dickens; John Zysman 1988 Book
China's Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap Arie Y. Lewin; Martin Kenney; Johann Peter Murmann 2016 Book
Understanding Silicon Valley: Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial Region Martin Kenney 2000 Book
Competing for Control: America’s Stake in Microelectronic Michael G. Borrus 1998 Book
Corporate Governance and Globalization: Long Range Planning Issues Stephen S. Cohen; Gavin Boyd 2000 Book
Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy Stephen S. Cohen; John Zysman 1988 Book
International Production Networks in Asia: Rivalry or Riches? Michael Borrus; Dieter Ernst; Stephan Haggard 2000 Book
American Industry in International Competition: Government Policies and Corporate Strategies Laura Tyson; John Zysman 1983 Book
Public Universities and Regional Growth: Insights from the University of California Martin Kenney; David C. Mowery 2014 Book
Enlarging Europe: The Industrial Foundations of a New Political Reality John Zysman; Andrew Schwartz 1998 Book
Artificial Intelligence and Robots: Thoughts, Reflection on Policy Inaction in Israel and Some Nasty General Predictions Dan Breznitz 2016 Presentation
Beyond Cloud: Implications for the Industrialization of IT and the 3rd Era of Computing Jonathan Murray 2015 Presentation
Value in the Era of the Platform Economy Martin Kenney 2015 Presentation
Work in the Digital Era: Choosing a Future John Zysman 2015 Presentation
Beyond the Hype: Platforms and AI in the Era of Intelligent Tools and Systems John Zysman 2018 Presentation