Mark J. Nitzberg

Generative AI and the Future of Work: Augmentation or Automation?

John Zysman
Mark J. Nitzberg

This report examines the potential impact of Generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as ChatGPT, on the future of work and, by implication, on productivity. It argues that although Generative AI is powerful, it has significant limitations and risks that require humans to remain “in the loop” not only to prevent systems from going off the rails, but to capture value. Rather than taking a deterministic view that artificial intelligence (AI) will
inevitably destroy jobs, the article suggests that an analysis should start with how firms can...

Mark J. Nitzberg

Executive Director, Berkeley’s Center for Human-Compatible AI; Head of Strategic Outreach, Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab; Director of Technology Research, BRIE

Dr. Mark Nitzberg is a computer scientist and entrepreneur focused on the effects of AI and related technologies on our society, economy and democracy. In addition to serving as Director of Technology Research at BRIE, he also serves as Executive Director of UC Berkeley Center for Human-Compatible AI and Head of Strategic Outreach for Berkeley AI Research. Mark works on understanding and anticipating the societal and economic impacts of technology, and its corresponding benefits, risks and governance. He is co-author of Solomon’s Code — an examination of AI and how it reshapes...