BRIE Research and Publications: Extended List

Title Author Year Publication typesort ascending
Cloud Computing: From Scarcity to Abundance Kenji E. Kushida; Jonathan Murray; John Zysman 2015 Journal Article
Algorithms, Platforms, and Ethnic Bias: A Diagnostic Model Selena Silva; Martin Kenney 2019 Journal Article
One Ring to Unite Them All: Convergence, the Smartphone, and the Cloud Bryan Pon; Timo Seppala; Martin Kenney 2015 Journal Article
Platform-Dependent Entrepreneurs: Power Asymmetries, Risks, and Strategies in the Platform Economy Donato Cutolo; Martin Kenney 2020 Journal Article
From the Rise to the Maturation of the Platform Economy (Blog) Camille Carlton; Dafna Bearson; John Zysman; Martin Kenney 2021 Journal Article
Work and Value Creation in the Platform Economy Martin Kenney; John Zysman 2019 Journal Article
Awaiting the Second Big Data Revolution: From Digital Noise to Value Creation Mark Huberty 2015 Journal Article
The Platform Economy Matures: Measuring Pervasiveness and Exploring Power Martin Kenney; Dafna Bearson; John Zysman 2021 Journal Article
Escape from the Commodity Trap: Will the Production Transformation Sustain Productivity, Growth and Jobs? John Zysman 2014 Journal Article
Winning Coalitions for Climate Policy: How Industrial Policy Builds Support for Carbon Regulation Jonas Meckling; Nina Kelsey; Eric Biber; John Zysman 2015 Journal Article
The Politics of Commoditization in Global ICT Industries: A Political Economy Explanation of the Rise of Apple, Google, and Industry Disruptors Kenji E. Kushida 2015 Journal Article
From Great Power Politics to a Strategic Vacuum: Origins and Consequences of the TPP and TTIP Melissa K. Griffith; Richard Steinberg; John Zysman 2018 Journal Article